MIX Design

Concrete Mix Design Calculations


1             Characteristic compressive cube strength at 28 days =       20           Mpa      

               Maximum size of course aggregate =                                      20           mm       

               Type of aggregate =                                                                    Crushed rock                    

               Degree of work ability =                                                             0.9         CF (slump:30-60mm)       

               Degree of quality control =           weigh batching but occasional supervision and test                           

               Type of exposure =                                                                      Moderate                          

2             Characteristics of materials                                       

i              Cement                              

a             Type of cement used                                                    (OPC)                   

b             Specific gravity of cement                                           3.15                     

c             Bulk density of cement                                                 1500      kg/m3  

ii             Aggregates                                      

a             Specific gravity                                

               Coarse aggregate                                                          2.6                       

               Fine aggregate                                                               2.6                       

b             Bulk density                                     

               Coarse aggregate                                                          1600      kg/m3  

               Fine aggregate                                                               1700      kg/m3  

c             Fineness modulus                                          

               Coarse aggregate                                                          6.5                       

               Fine aggregate                                                               2.2                       

d             Water absorption                                          

               Coarse aggregate                                                          0.5         per cent              

               Fine aggregate                                                               Nil                        

e             Free surface moisture                                  

               Coarse aggregate                                                          Nil                        

               Fine aggregate                                                               0.2         per cent              

f              Grading of aggregate                                   

3             Target mean strength                                   

               Target mean compressive strength                           28           Mpa      

4             Maximum water-cement ratio                                  

               Water-cement ratio for durability under moderate exposure conditions      0.55                     

               IS METHOD OF MIX DESIGN

               Water Content                                                                              186        Kgs/Cum             

               Percentage of Fine aggregate T-10.14                                    35           %           

               Adjustments in water T-10.14                                                    3             %           

               Adjustments in Sand T-10.14                                                      -3.5        %           

               Water Content                                                                              191.58   Kgs        

               Sand Content                                                                                 31.5       %           

                Air Content                                                                                   2             %           

               W/C Ratio                                                                                      0.5                       

               Concrete  Volume                                                                        0.98                     

               Cement Content                                                                           383        Kgs        

               Total Volume of Aggregate                                                        0.67                     

               Total Mass of Aggregate                                                            1734                    

               Mass of Fine Aggregate                                                              546                      

               Mass of Course Aggregate                                                         1188                    

               Estimation of Mix Design Ratio                                 

               Mass of Course Aggregate                                                         1188      Kgs        

               Mass of Fine Aggregate                                               546        Kgs        

               Mass of Cement                                                                           383.2     Kgs        

               Mass of Water                                                                              186        Kgs        

               Mix Design Ratio        0.49 :1 :1.43 :3.1                   

Steps of Mix Design as per IS Method

Step 1: From the known degree of control and the require characteristic strength, determine the SD*

Step 2: Fix the Target Strength from the equation

Target Strength = fck + 1.65 x SD*

Step 3: For the required target strength determine the free water – cement ratio from the curves**

Step 4: The value obtained should be checked with the maximum water – cement ratio*

Step 5: Determine water content in kg per cum of concrete and percentage of sand in total aggregate by absolute weight. Apply correction*** for water content and sand content

Step 6: After determining the water content, go back to step 3 and taking that water – cement ratio, determine the weight of cement.

Step 7: Check the cement content obtained above with that required from the point of durability* and apply correction, if required. Adopt greater of two values.

Step 8: Estimate the % of entrapped air****. The percentage depends upon the degree of compaction. Even after good compaction, there will be some entrapped air in concrete.


Table 8 : IS 456 – 2000

IS 10262


SP 23, Table 36 and Table 6 of IS 10262


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Mix design ACI Code

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