Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Calculation For Foundations

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How to Calculate Bearing Capacity of a Foundation

The bearing capacity of a foundation is the ability of the soil to support the loads applied by a structure without excessive settlement or failure. It is crucial in foundation design to ensure stability and safety.

1. Types of Bearing Capacity

  1. Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qᵤ) – Maximum pressure the soil can withstand before failure.
  2. Safe Bearing Capacity (qₛ) – Maximum pressure the soil can safely carry with a factor of safety (FOS).
  3. Net Bearing Capacity (qₙ) – The ultimate bearing capacity minus the overburden pressure.

2. Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Equation (For Shallow Foundations)

Terzaghi’s equation is used for calculating ultimate bearing capacity (qᵤ) for strip footings:

qu = cNc + γDfNq + 0.5γBNγ


  • qᵤ = Ultimate bearing capacity (kN/m²)
  • c = Cohesion of soil (kN/m²)
  • γ = Unit weight of soil (kN/m³)
  • D_f = Depth of foundation (m)
  • B = Width of foundation (m)
  • N_c, N_q, N_γ = Bearing capacity factors (depending on soil type and friction angle (φ))

For square and circular footings, correction factors apply.

3. Calculation Steps

Step 1: Determine Soil Properties

  • Obtain cohesion (c), angle of internal friction (φ), and unit weight (γ) from soil testing (Standard Penetration Test – SPT or Plate Load Test).
  • Determine depth of foundation (D_f) and width of footing (B).

Step 2: Get Bearing Capacity Factors

  • Using φ (angle of friction), obtain N_c, N_q, N_γ from Terzaghi’s tables.

Step 3: Calculate Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qᵤ)

Use the Terzaghi equation to compute qᵤ.

Step 4: Apply Factor of Safety

The safe bearing capacity (qₛ) is obtained by dividing qᵤ by the factor of safety (FOS) (typically FOS = 2.5 to 3).

qs=quFOSqₛ = \frac{qᵤ}{FOS}qs​=FOSqu​​

Step 5: Check Against Allowable Settlement

Ensure that the settlement is within permissible limits (25mm for shallow foundations, 40mm for deep foundations as per IS 6403).

4. Example Calculation

Given Data:

  • Soil Type: Dense Sand
  • Unit Weight (γ): 18 kN/m³
  • Cohesion (c): 0 (for sand, c = 0)
  • Friction Angle (φ): 35°
  • Foundation Depth (D_f): 1.5m
  • Foundation Width (B): 2.0m
  • Factor of Safety (FOS): 3.0

Step 1: Get Bearing Capacity Factors

For φ = 35°, from Terzaghi’s table:

  • N_c = 57.8, N_q = 41.4, N_γ = 42.4

Step 2: Calculate Ultimate Bearing Capacity

qu =(0×57.8)+(18×1.5×41.4)+(0.5×18×2.0×42.4)

qu​= 0+1117.8+763.2 = 1881 kN/m²

Step 3: Calculate Safe Bearing Capacity

qs=18813=627 kN/m²

So, the Safe Bearing Capacity (qₛ) = 627 kN/m².

5. Bearing Capacity for Different Soil Types (Typical Values)

Soil TypeSafe Bearing Capacity (kN/m²)
Soft Clay50 – 100
Medium Clay100 – 150
Dense Sand250 – 450
Gravel300 – 600
Hard Rock (Granite)1000 – 5000

6. Alternative Methods for Bearing Capacity Calculation

  1. Meyerhof’s Method – Includes shape and depth factors.
  2. Hansen & Vesic Methods – Consider footing inclination and eccentricity.
  3. Plate Load Test (IS 1888:1982) – Direct field test for safe bearing capacity.
  4. SPT (Standard Penetration Test – IS 2131:1981) – Indirect field method using N-values.

7. Conclusion

  • Terzaghi’s formula is widely used for shallow foundations.
  • Plate Load Test is recommended for practical verification.
  • Different methods are used based on soil type, structure load, and field conditions.
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