Design of Anchor Reinforcement in Concrete Pedestals

Design of Anchor Reinforcement in Concrete Pedestals

Pedestal rebars parallel to anchor bolts have been checked in order to verify their capability to absorb the tensile force transferred by the anchor bolts. Stirrups have been checked to verify their capability to tranfer to concrete the shear force transmitted by the anchor bolts.

The value of development length for fck=25Mpa and fy=500Mpa is equal to 50ø has been taken into consideration.



Anchor bolt tensile strength, pt = 400 N/mm2

Yield stress of reinforcing steel fy = 500N/mm2

Anchor bolt diameter do = 24mm

Max C/C Dist. between anchor bolt and rebar d = 186.00mm

Rebar diameter db = 16mm

Links diameter dv = 8mm

Concrete cover c = 50mm

Embedment depth of the bolt hef = 670mm

Washer diameter Wh = 44mm

Anchor bolt area Aab = 362mm2

Rebar development length ld = 50 db = 800mm

Required area of reinf. Arb = (Aab*pt)/(fy/γms) = 333mm2

Required area of reinforcement in pedestal = 666mm2

for 2 nos of Anchor bolt

Provided area of reinf. For 6 Nos. 16 Dia. bar = 1206mm2

6 nos of 16 mm dia bar is provided for two anchor bolt

Required development length ldreq = ld x Arb/Aprov = 442mm

Clear distance from Anchor nut to main reinforcement x = d – Wh/2 – db/2 = 156mm

x < hef/3. Hence, OK

Provided development length ldprov = hef-c-(x+Wh/2)/1.5 = 501mm ld,prov > ld,req Hence OK

Maximum shear force V = 129.8kN Load Comb No: 27

Required area of links Av,req = V/(fy/γms) = 298mm2

Consider 2 sets of 3 legged 8 dia ties

Area provided by links Av,prov = 2 * 3 * pi()*(8^2/4)

= 301mm2 Av,prov > Av,req OK!

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